Fraction ERP's BOM approval process

The BOM approval process in Fraction ERP is straightforward. When you change the operations, or the part structure, the status reverts to draft.

The BOM showing the 'CHECK' button, ready for approval

As you can see from the screenshots, we have a simple workflow to control BOM changes. The ability to approve the BOM (through CHECK and APPROVE stages) depends on the user's settings.

Once checked, the 'APPROVE' button appears

After approval, the status (left hand side) shows as 'Approved'

A further security check with the BOM status is the launching of work orders. If the BOM is not approved, the system will stop you from releasing the work order. This prevents mistakes from slipping through into production.

You can see the BOM walkthrough in this video:

For more information about Fraction ERP, view our video walkthroughs here. Or, if you are ready to see more, sign up for a free demo using the form below.

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