Managing operator and workcenter capacity in one go!

What do you do if you have certain operations that can only be carried out by skilled operatives?

In Fraction ERP we provide the option to schedule against workcenters and operators. You can do both at the same time, if you choose.

Providing these options allows you to manage key constraints. As you can see in the image below, you can do this during scheduling. You can define both the operator and the workcenter.

cloud erp - scheduling workcenters

Aggregated operator capacity

When you schedule specific operations against operators you can see their capacity loading. This is the same as viewing a normal workcenter's loading.

If you have skilled operatives then this view makes sense. It will also help identify training needs and help you manage that process.

You can see an example of the operator capacity view below.

cloud erp - view operator capacity

Amber indicates that you are reaching the capacity limit set for that individual. Red indicates that you have exceeded their capacity limit (overloaded). In this screenshot, working weeks are along the top.

Managing traditional workcenters

As well as the operator capacity view, Fraction ERP also offers the workcenter view. This screen uses the same colour coding and allows re-planning of works with a click or two.

You can flex capacity levels and re-schedule operations to help meet customer demand.

cloud erp - view workcenter capacity

Work to lists

Scheduling and managing capacities is one thing. Translating this into meaningful instructions for your production team is then becomes key.

Fraction ERP allows you to produce work to lists at the touch of a button. You can produce these for both workcenters / production teams, or for individual operators.

The image below shows a screenhot from an operator's work to list.

cloud erp - work to ist

You can use Fraction ERP with flexibility. If you want to schedule your work via skilled operators, you can. If you want to use traditional workcenters, you can. If you want to use a hybrid approach, you can!

If you want to find out more about Fraction ERP, and how it can help your business, then sign up for a demo. You can use the form below to get in touch.

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