September 2021 updates

Here are the latest updates from Fraction ERP:


  1. Add New Parts on the fly when adding line items to purchase orders. 
  2. Update part price from PO line items by clicking the tick box to update the current price price to the part record.


  1. Multiple delivery addresses can now be saved for each customer and selected easily using a drop down list. Each address is named to make it easy to identify.
  2. Refresh part description when you want to revert to the standard part description, just click the refesh icon on the description. 
  3. Stock quantity is now shown on all contract line items so you can see if each line can be satifised with available stock. 


  1. Modify works orders with parts and operations during production. Great for jobbing shops and project orders where you aren't always sure what will be needed.


  1. Refresh part descriptions to revert back to the part record description


  1. Add mulitple packages to delivery notes

  2. Email notifcations now contain part numbers and quantity shipped

  3. Show line items view now on shipment page to search with more detail



These files types are now supported for upload:

'pdf', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tiff', 'dxf', 'dwg','doc', 'docx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'xls', 'xlsx'

Maximum file size is currently 2MB. 

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