June 2021 updates
Here are the latest updates from Fraction ERP:
Direct Email of Documents
Quotations, purchase orders, invoices and shipping notifications can all be sent by email from within Fraction. On each section just look out for the email button. Acknowledgements will be added shortly!
Purchase Order Approvals
All purchase orders now require approval before they can be printed or emailed. Approval is just one click on the approve button, but the user must have the role of "PO Manager" ticked on their user profile. Go to settings/users to select who needs PO approval.
QuickBooks Integration
QuickBooks integration is now set up on the dashboard and within the Invoices and GRN modules to transfer to QuickBooks. This is a beta feature as we still have some work to do on this.
Works Order Demand
The works order demand list now includes a supplier name if the part record has the supplier listed. At the moment this is just displayed but the action to raise an PO will be linked to the supplier name shortly.
Part Activity
For each part, the activity page now includes a history of purchase orders with prices.
GRN Transfer
When a GRN transfers to Xero or QuickBooks it will use the PO number as the reference and include the GRN number and the Lot Quantity in the description field.