Shop floor data collection: five great uses

You've probably heard of shop floor data collection in ERP systems. This is the function that allows your production teams to capture their time and output via an ERP system.

We know the value of using a system like this. In this short article we'll share with you five great reasons to use shop floor data in this way.

In fact, we think it is so important to an ERP system that we offer if for no extra charge with our subscriptions (you can find out more on our pricing page).

1. Tracking production real time

The most obvious reason is tracking production.

Instead of trudging around your factory, trying to locate the order, and guess when it will be ready for delivery, you just check Fraction ERP.

The data flows in from your team and the system tracks progress.

This can save most managers hours per day, whilst providing better information.

Tracking production real time at Oiltech Bearings

2. Capturing costs

How much profit do you make on your works orders?

When you capture shop floor data in this way, the plan versus actual conversation becomes much easier.

Whilst the job costing at the planning stage helps you to determine how much a production should cost, using the shop floor data collection information allows you to view the outcome.

This way, deciding if you need to make improvements to your production process, or your estimates, becomes data driven.

Reviewing plan versus actual in Fraction ERP

3. Seeing who is doing what

Knowing that your production team are working on the right tasks is key.

When you use shop floor data collection in Fraction ERP, our system shows you who is logged on to what job and how close they are to the planned operation times.

This gives you an excellent snapshot, to make sure that your team are working on the right tasks and that you aren't overrunning.

Shop Floor Data Capture overview screen in Fraction ERP

4. Allowing for time to be spent on strategic tasks

When you pull the first three points together you often gain the option to re-direct your focus.

With increasing on time delivery performance, better customer satisfaction and improved profit levels, you can look at other areas of the business.

Being under control like this can feel like you have an extra gear in the business.

Continuous improvement. Maintenance programmes. Strategic planning. All of these activities become easier to do when you achieve a certain level of streamlining and stability that the shop floor data collection function of Fraction ERP can help you to achieve.

5. A gateway habit

When your team get the hang of shop floor data collection, they open the door to other good practices.

We've already mentioned maintenance and closely linked to that is housekeeping. One good habit can lead to another and this shouldn't be overlooked from a management perspective.

If you have plans for your shop floor team to engage with other routine activities and are struggling, shop floor data collection can be a good way to develop new habits and disciplines within the team.

We hope this article has given you some ideas on how you could use shop floor data collection effectively within your business.

If you'd like to learn more about Fraction ERP, check out our features pages and sign up for a free online demo.

If you like what you see in the demo, you can access Fraction ERP free of charge for two weeks to carry out a full review of our system to see if it would be a good fit for your business.

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