Bill of Materials Software
The backbone of a manufacturing company is the bill of materials:
The list of materials, parts and operations required to make your product or provide your service.

Easily Create, Copy and Modify Your Bill of Materials.
The Bill of Materials drives your purchasing and manufacturing activities within your factory. Easily managing them, modifying them and creating new BOMs is essential to customer service, accurate job costing and being ready to go into production.
Copy similar a similar BOM to a new part number
Use a template for family of parts
Built in revision control and approval process
Store photos, drawings and files within the BOM record
Multi-Level Bill of Materials
By creating multi-level BOMs you can nest subassemblies within the BOM which will create new sub-assembly works orders.
Simplify production of sub-assemblies
Combine sales order demand into single works orders
Multi-level BOM costing to accurately determine production costs
Refresh part and labour costs on BOMs with a single click for up to date pricing

Instant Job Costing
The BOM calculates all the direct costs of production and provide two methods to calculate your selling price.
Calculate selling price using gross margin
Calculate selling price using material markup and labour selling rate
Built in price break quantity calculator
Create a cost snapshop for any BOMs to allow tracking of price changes over time.