A quick way to achieve results with ERP

This isn't a magic formula, but we see a big differences between the businesses that do this and those that don't.

What is this quick way?

Simple. Write down your business actions and then do them.

Seriously, that makes a huge difference to the results businesses achieve.

We speak to lots of companies that struggle with their loose ends. After speaking to them, you soon realise that these loose ends are in their heads.

We all know that writing tasks down, getting things out of your head, improves clarity, mood and decision making. When you are in this state you can use your ERP to drive the performance of your business.

When you aren't in this state, things can feel foggy.

How Fraction ERP deals with this

We've designed Fraction ERP to make a factory manager's life easier, not harder.

Two functions of our cloud ERP system help this directly; the dashboard and our task management tool.

The dashboard allows you to quickly review the status of various parts of your business process and identify the actions you need to take to keep on course.

Fraction ERP's dashboard, with drill down tiles

The task management tool allows you to capture these tasks, assign them and manage them easily. No more forgetting to write down the actions and turning up to the next meeting looking confused!

The overall task management screen, which can be filtered by meeting type / function

A quick daily meeting

Using Fraction ERP's dashboard as the agenda for a short daily production meeting you can quickly steer your team into productive action.

The tasks feature appears on the dashboard too, so that every user can see their tasks when they log in.

As Fraction ERP is cloud based, this means that you can view the dashboard on a screen in the office and one of your team can input the tasks on their laptop as you quickly run through the meeting's agenda.

Free two week trial

To help you find out if Fraction ERP would be a good fit for your business, we offer a free two week trial.

Just fill in the form below and we'll get in touch to give you a short online demo and then we can set up your free two week trial. This is a great way for you and your team to put some real parts and orders through Fraction ERP and give it a proper test drive.

In the meantime, make sure your team are writing down their actions before they leave your meetings!

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